Learning Materials For Accounting, Management , Finance And Economics.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Meaning Of Centralized Store, Its Advantages And Disadvantages

Meaning of centralized stores

A centralized store is that store which receives materials for and issues them to all departments, divisions and production floors of the company. Such a store is only one in the company which receives materials for and issues to all who need them. The materials required for all the departments and branches are stored and issued by only one store.

Advantages Of Centralized Stores

The followings are the main advantages of centralized stores.

1. A better supervision of store is possible because the store is located under a single supervision.

2. A better layout of store and its control are possible.

3. Less space is occupied.

4. Investment in stock is minimized.

5. It is economical for storing materials.

6. Safety of materials is possible according to the nature of materials.

7. Trained and specialized persons can be appointed.

8. Wastage of materials can be minimized.

Disadvantages Of Centralized Store

The followings are the main disadvantages of centralized stores.

1. Delay in sending materials to the departments and branches.

2. Increase in material handling cost.

3. Greater risk of loss by fire.

4. Not suitable for a large company.